
All of our exclusive bouquets are freshly handmade by our expert team of professional florists..


'Modern Elegance'

A gorgeous hand tied bouquet of exotic anthurium, long stemmed red and pink roses, pink oriental lilies, hydrangea, blue eryngium and cerise gerbera **



'Classical Elegance'

Crisp white roses combine with white oriental lilies, delistar, germini and freesia. All beautifully arranged in an elegant black gift bag**

'Sweet Sensation'

Show someone you care with this beautifully subtle hand tied bouquet consisting of pale pink spray roses, combined with a neutral selection of roses, tulips, lisianthus & delicate bouvardia

'Chantilly Pink'

A delicately scented selection of soft pink roses, white freesias, perfumed stocks, fragrant lilies & aromatic eucalyptus **


'Peach Perfection'

'Peach Perfection'

A country style collection of delicate hydrangea, 'Peach Avalanche' roses, cream lisianthus & delicately scented stocks **
'Heaven Scent'

'Delicate Pastels'

A sweet vintage style bouquet with fragrant stocks, standard and spray roses, pale pink germini, lisianthus & white oriental lilies**


'Lemon Posset'

A delicate collection of lemon roses, white lisianthus, anthirrhinum, lilies and santini
'Amazing Grace'


'Pink Caprice'

Zingy hot pink gerbera form the heart of this bright classic bouquet**
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'Purple Prestige'

Bold violet and purple hues are tempered by crisp white roses and freesias. A chocolate box bouquet!**
'Autumn Shades'

'Autumn Shades'

The seasonal display available all year round! Warm autumn colours combine perfectly in this simple rustic gift box.**